Maritza Baez Beauty + Wellness

Top 3 Most Romantic Valentine’s Dates

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and most of you probably have no clue what to do for this special day.  I know I usually don’t, but cupid decided to pay me a visit this year.  Now I have a some amazing ideas for ways to spend the Day of Love, whether you have someone to share it with or if you are your own special someone.  Be prepared to surprise your sweetie with something he or she will never forget.

1.  Bubble Bath

Who doesn’t love a bubble bath?  Not only does it make you reminisce about your cozy toddler days, but it can also be romantic.  Have you ever seen one of those ads with a couple toasting wine glasses while sitting in a champagne glass shaped hot tub filled with bubbles? That’s so romantic!  It makes you want to be there!  Surprise your sweetie with a warm bubble bath.  You may even want to put some rose petals in there for an extra touch of elegance.  I recommend using Pangea’s Pyrenees Lavender with Cardamom Body Wash to make the bubbles.  After all, not only is it free of sodium laurel sulfate & other chemicals, but the lavender is great for calming, relaxing, clarifying, stimulating, healing and appeasing. Emotional benefits include ease of: anxiety, depression, hysteria, impatience, fatigue, shock, suspicion and tension. Cardamom oil’s aroma is described as a warm, spicy middle-base note with the following properties for mind: energizing, stimulating and aphrodisiac.  Meow!


2.  Massage

A nice rub down always gets the romantic juices flowing.  Think of how many songs have been sung about how romantic a massage can be.  I can think of a few right off the top of my head.  Some croon about a magic touch or how relaxing it can make you feel.  After you take your date to dinner & a movie, offer a romantic massage. You’ll be on your way to couple-hood in no time if you are single!  I recommend Pangea’s Italian White Sage & Geranium Body Oil for your massage.  Rich in bio-available essential fatty acids, skin-beneficial vitamins and incredible essential oil aromas, this body oil is the perfect remedy for dry skin and tense muscles. Five organic, food-grade oils comprise the base of this nutritive blend offering superior glide for massage and luxurious hydration for the body.  Your date will be in organic heaven!

3.  Plant a Tree!

Whether you have a date or not, planting a tree is a great way to connect with nature and feel the love of the universe.  I recommend gifting yourself or your date Pangea’s Canadian Pine & White Sage Bar Soap.  Not only do you get an amazing vegan, gluten-free, certified organic bar soap made with high-quality ingredients that cleanse without harsh detergents, leaving the skin hydrated and silky smooth, but it also contains whole plant botanicals, which double as gentle exfoliants, and essential oils that offer a distinct aromatic experience from relaxing to uplifting. Plant the carton to grow a Colorado Spruce tree!



Looking for more Valentine’s Day gift ideas?  Check out my other posts:

Looking for more organic gifts?  Check out

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