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How To Use A Pedometer To Get Your Walking In

*This post contains affiliate links to products I love and recommend*

Taking some time for a 45-minute walk is not always easy. We all live a busy life and between family and work, it is not always possible to fit into a workout. What if I told you that you don’t have to set aside a certain amount of time for your walking training? What if you could achieve the same health benefits by working a little more here and there all day long? And what if there was a fun little device that would help you keep track of things and motivate you to exercise more?

There is and it’s called a pedometer. You can pick up an inexpensive model at your local supermarket or order it from Amazon. Or you can go with something more fancy like a Fitbit. But before you set off to spend money, you should check your smartphone. Many models have a built-in pedometer. All you have to do is download a free app and you’re ready to go.

The pedometer tracks how many steps you take on a given day. It also shows how many minutes you’ve been active and how many miles you’ve covered. In other words, it shows how much exercise you do during the day. And the good news is that it doesn’t matter if you take a 45-minute walk after work or if you exercise in small steps here and there all day long. Maybe you start your day by parking a little further away from the office and taking a few hundred extra steps. Then take a short walk during your lunch break. You end your day by taking a walk in the park while your children play. And just like that, you get your exercise in without blocking any extra time.

Give it a try. Put on a pedometer or start tracking with the phone you always carry with you anyway and see how much you walk around on a given day. From there, try to become a little more active over time until you have reached your pedometer target. For most of us, 10,000 steps a day is a good long-term goal, but if you feel more ambitious, you should go for it.

Following your steps is very motivating. If you look at your pedometer and find that you are 2,000 steps away from your daily goal, this might be exactly the motivation you need to take a walk after dinner.

*I am a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase anything through them, I will get a small referral fee and you will be supporting me and my blog at no extra cost to you, so thank you!

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